In general, in the process of using automatic atomizing gun painting, the paint surface will occasionally appear some small bubbles, affecting the quality of spraying, at this time what should we do? The first thing we need to do is to understand the cause, and then we can treat the problem. When we use the automatic atomizing gun to spray the banisters on the stairs at home, every time we hold the banisters, it feels very painful and uncomfortable.
Why are there little bubbles and bumps? Here are some reasons and solutions.

1. There are too many pigments mixed in the paint, and the pigments are not stirred evenly, and auxiliary materials such as softeners are not added, resulting in too large particles of the paint. You get a bulge when you spray it out.
The solution is: when buying paint, try to choose a better quality of paint, and before using it to go through a fine sieve, and dilute it evenly, knowing that there are no bubbles.
2, the paint itself contains impurities, without fine screening treatment is directly used. The solution is to sift the paint and make sure it is clean when blending.

3, in the deployment of paint, the ambient temperature is too low, resulting in the bubbles inside the paint did not spread and break, so the spray will have the effect of bubbles. The solution is to find a place with a suitable temperature to deploy paint, but also to ensure that the deployment environment is a place without impurities and dust.
4, there are impurities or dust on the surface of the sprayed object, and it is sprayed directly without attention when spraying, and then there will be a bulge. The solution is to clean the surface of the sprayed object, make it flat, smooth, and keep it dry, so that the paint does not adhere to it well.

5, the paint bucket, or the brush is not clean, and then the impurities are brought into the container when the paint is deployed. The solution is not to use a paint bucket or other container that has been used many times. If you need to clean it up, you should use it again.
6, the construction environment is not well protected, in the spray process because of the air will be around the dust impurities to the brush or nozzle. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the environment around the atomizing spray.