Classified by water supply mode
Bottle group: The bottle group is used to store pressurized gas for pressurized water supply, suitable for open systems, but the protection volume is limited.Pump group: pressurized water supply through the pump group, with an independent storage tank, longer fire extinguishing time, can be started repeatedly.
Other water supply methods: including other non-mainstream water supply methods, such as gravity water supply.
Classified by type of flow medium
Single fluid: Supply water only to the spray nozzle.Dual fluid: Supply water and atomizing medium (such as air) to the water mist nozzle respectively.

Classified according to the type of water mist nozzle used
Closed: closed water mist nozzle, suitable for local applications.Open: The use of open spray nozzle, including full flooding and local application.
Classified by unit operating pressure
High pressure: High working pressure, suitable for the need to quickly extinguish the fire.Medium pressure: the working pressure is moderate, suitable for general fire fighting needs.
Low pressure: Low working pressure, suitable for some specific application scenarios.
Through these classifications, we can better understand the diversity and applicability of high-pressure water mist fire suppression systems. Whether in the home, commercial or industrial sector, this system provides effective fire protection.