STEP 1: Project Qualification and Specification Review
First of all, Mistec application engineers review your requirements and identify the potential solutions for your spraying systems.
Using an extensive library of established designs, we take your system parameters and match them to our spray nozzle .
To understand what is really you need is a key in the first step.
STEP 2: Selection and Proposal
Secondly, Mistec will utilize our existing nozzle configurations as the foundation for our selection process.
We consider every aspect of your requirements to determine the best possible solutions for your needs while paying high attention to achieving targeted cost.
Our experienced OEM applications team review and discuss with your staff all the possible options in order to ensure the best form, fit and function as well as commercial viability.
We are dedicated to make both sides having a comprehensive knowledge of spray nozzles and smooth communication in this stage.
STEP 3: Prototype Sampling
Than ,After the design foundation is selected, nozzle prototypes are provided to customers in order to validate the performance characteristics in the actual application.
All prototypes are tested prior to release to ensure the expected spray performance.
The depth of our product line and technical capabilities often enable us to provide several solutions for a given application. This provides us the ability to respond to design changes during the prototype phase, minimizing lead times or delays.
STEP 4: Production Release
Finally ,Once the final product is approved, Mistec focuses on quality, reliability, on-time delivery and continuous improvement to assure our OEM partners of our full support throughout the product life cycling.
To further strengthen our commitment to our OEM partners, we will continuously explore opportunities to improve manufacturing efficiency and product value.